Hi, so this blog is dead i'm afraid. My internet was down for a while and now its back i've started a new job and no longer have the time or patience to keep this running. I used to work from home 1 or 2 days a week so it was no problem uploading new stuff. But now i'm constantly out of the house and busy as hell on photoshop, FCP, After FX and other stuff, so that when I get home a computer is the last thing I wanna look at. My links were also dying at a very fast rate.
On the plus side I love the job, its what I always wanted and was working towards when standing in fields on film shoots in the middle of nowhere at all hours.
So thanks for all the comments, but I gotta get outa here. You can still get me on MySpace and the various boards I chat to people on.
If anybody wants to take over the blog, let me know.
Congratulations on your new job its a
shame this blog is coming to an end.
Thanks for all you uploads.
A shame for us... :) but you seem happy, so congratulations! xx
Sad to see you go mate. You take care and good luck with your new job!
just wanted to say thanks for posting all that sweet ass music along the way!
"Thank you for the music..."
Sorry to hear that, Dick,
Got some great tunes through your blog.
But fully agree with you. Spending less time behind a screen in your free time is a healthy way to go!
Thx again!
Dutch dude
Oh man, that is terrible news, Dick. I mean, I'm happy for you that you have a great gig, but totally shitty news for me and all the other good folks who have been introduced to so much great music through your blog.
So, thanks for your generosity and a great blog. I hope you'll miss it all so much you'll reconsider. If not, good luck and all the best.
Good luck to you,Someday soon we'll meet over at V.C.-Howdy
Good luck matey, thanks for all the posts, much appreciated. Hope new job is all you hope for, you will be missed... regards
man, i loved having your music selection at my fingertips. thanks for all your efforts and good to hear youre wehere you want to be with your career. one thing i may ask of you, and other bloggers, is other blogs you reccommend, cause this is the only one i checked. haha
live on,
Hey man...thank you so much for all your work and dedication to sharing music with others - people that you dont even know. So, although I'll never have the possibility to thank you personally with a few cold beers, I send you a brotherly hug from Buenos Aires and wish you all the best for the future. Keep rocking. Steve
Twas this blog that got me into the National. Andf it's this blog that I'll sorely miss... Have a good one man.
Thanks for a great site. I enjoyed it, good luck with your new job.
Congrats on the gig!!! I certainly hope someone takes over your blog, but it is going to be a hard act to follow - thanx for sharing all the great stuff.
hey mr. darlington. sad to see you go. i arrived late to the party known as your site, but enjoyed it immensely and often. your wisdom and musical selection will be sadly missed. best of luck with the work and try not to do too much of it. i will check every day to see where the dick darlington saga goes from this point.
be well.
a fan
Top blog my friend, I will miss it dearly...
It became part of my daily routine, sort of like brushing my teeth.
Good luck with the new J.O.B!
And please for the love of G.O.D, will someone with at least half of Dick's musical integrity take over this blog.
Cheers from Canada...
Thanks for all the musical surprises you gave us. Hope your new job brings you as much fun as my two jobs bring me. Also hope you have enough time to listen to all that great music.
Next step is downloading the Coconut Records album and hear what last (?) surprise you have in store.
Good Luck!
well it was a good time while it lasted. thanks dick darlington, you were a must-check for me.
Congrats on the good job and best of luck in life.
You spoke of someone taking over the blog:
I would love to post some content to a blog with a established fan base, but I couldn't guarantee the same amount of posting you do (did)...would you be interested in opening it up to a few people (assuming anyone else is interested) so that we sort of take turns contributing?
If no one else is really up to it, I still would like to help out posting what and when I can (and would hate to see this blog disappear to the depths of the internet.)
Let me know. randybruder(a)gmail.com
thanks for introducing me to some wonderful music. this was one of my favourite blogs. take care!
Hey, I'm sad to hear your blog is dying...thanks for sharing such wonderful music! Good luck with the new job. Keep on rockin', all the best.
Thanks for the great music.
Goodluck on your new job (Y).
Congrats on the gig.
I'm a film student myself so I can relate to standing in fields as a grip, runner, camera assistant, etc, while building contacts and skills. It's great to hear that it pays off eventually... :)
Thanks for turning us onto some cool albums.
What's your myspace mate?
Good bye and good luck Mr. Darlington
Have a nice life !
well, congrats. But always beware The Man. He always wants to kill you no matter how much he smiles and tells you how good you are. Always keep a foot pointed out the door.
Thanks for all your posts
dick you are personally responsible for getting me permanently hooked on wilco, you crazy nut. and for that i thank you. i used to say to my friends/wilco fans that 'they could have their wilco; the jayhawks were far superior'.
boy was i wrong.
a thousand thanks for sharing the love, sharing your time, and all the fantastic music. serenity now will be missed.
see you at the happy hunting grounds...
I liked your blog, and love the fact that you went out on a Wilco lyric. If you gotta go, do it in style. Good luck to you brother. Cheers
Like the others, sad to see you go, I've enjoyed your taste in music here. Enjoy the new job. I know what you mean, 12 hours sat in front of 2 screens, when you get home.....
Sorry to see this one go, was the first one that really caught me. I owe a a lot to you Mr. Darlington. If anyone is looking for something still surviving, check my blog out, i can only hope it is one tenth as good as this one. http://zak425.blogspot.com/
Your music blog was one of my favorites -- so sad to see you go. Good luck with everything, and thank you so much for what you've done. :)
- Kay
well done for the job ! I shall miss your blog and all the good music ! thanks for everything !
Great blog. Sad to see it go but for all the right reasons. Cheers.
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