Hi, so this blog is dead i'm afraid. My internet was down for a while and now its back i've started a new job and no longer have the time or patience to keep this running. I used to work from home 1 or 2 days a week so it was no problem uploading new stuff. But now i'm constantly out of the house and busy as hell on photoshop, FCP, After FX and other stuff, so that when I get home a computer is the last thing I wanna look at. My links were also dying at a very fast rate.
On the plus side I love the job, its what I always wanted and was working towards when standing in fields on film shoots in the middle of nowhere at all hours.
So thanks for all the comments, but I gotta get outa here. You can still get me on MySpace and the various boards I chat to people on.
If anybody wants to take over the blog, let me know.